I was sitting at my desk at work when this random lady walked by and flashed one of the most brilliant, genuine, affectionate smiles I have ever seen. I could tell you her race, but that would be besides the point. I could tell you her approximate age, but that not necessary. I could tell you whether she was pretty, tall or short, fat or slim………but none of that matters. All that matters is that she smiled. No wait, she smiiiiiiiiiled! I was having what was turning out to be a lousy day - but that was all before the smile. It wasn’t one of those I’m-just-being-polite smiles, this was a real, 100%, no water added smile that warmed my heart. Mother Teresa once said, “Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing” . I didn’t know what she’d meant till today. I mean I knew and understood the words but I had never really felt the full meaning like she had described. It was like a window peering over a garden in which grew every possible nice thing. And for a moment I gazed through that window. For all I know she was having a bad day too, but for that moment in time she reminded me of all that was good in this world. So what if my car broke down? So what if I have a couple of overdue bills? So what if I’m stuck at this desk staring at the computer for the next 10 hours? She smiled at me – but more importantly, I smiled back.
Oh Sandman that's such a beautiful post!! Remember to smile at somebody today!!!
my first time here. I hope to heaven THOSE are not your eyes. M thinker once described a smile that makes you start hearing what the person was saying 5 seconds later. Especially from a woman. I do not know why but men are lousy at it and I stand to be corrected they rarely smile; so I shall smile away.
enyewe almost nothing beats a beautiful smile out of nowhere:
*Smiling generously* -beautiful post. I love this post - and I have fake smiles and wish the smilers can just quit, they dont mean anything... if you cant smile a genuine smile, dont bother.
First time here too, will be checking back!
hate fake smiles, I meant!
first time here. Thak you for coming by my place, there's always space for you. U got me smiling a dn that made my day. Thak you.
smile its infectious
deadly post
ms k - I'll remember.
prousette - men are lousy at a lot of things. I think women were put on earth to make things beautiful and spread a little joy.
adrian - true.
guess - yeah I know fake smiles suck. i'm like if you don't mean it, don't fake it (and not just for smiles either).
gishungwa - karibu back anytime, thanks for stopping by. I am smiling.
You are right about the smile
Thank u for this it really put a smile to me
I smiled more when I found that I had a new visitor to my blog. Karibu.
beautiful post. it's always the little, inexpensive gestures that make all the difference.
Nice site!
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